Orientation spaces for learning events
Deployed: 9-3-2021
- Acclimate users with the Hubs platform, interface, and interactions
- Demonstrate necessary skills to interact with the subsequent learning event
- Practice controls for different types of interactions
- How to navigate the hubs platform
Our custom-built introductory Hubs spaces were designed to cover the types of interactions necessary for the subsequent learning event. Orientation events have been deployed both immediately and a few days before a learning event for both desktop and VR based sessions.
Tron Room
- Desktop
- Deployed immediately before Heart-Desktop, link to heart found at the end of the tutorial
Banksy Escape Hallway
- Desktop
- Deployed immediately before GI Escape Room, link to escape room found at the end of the tutorial
- Emphasis on hidden links and interacting with objects
Lakeside Pipes
- VR
- Deployed a few days before Pterygopalatine Fossa and Heart-VR learning events
- Emphasis on looking around in the VR headset and familiarity with controls
Lakeside Modular
- VR
- Deployed a few days before VR learning event
- Emphasis on practicing interactions in VR
- Modular design allows for selection of relevant tasks for each learning event
Previous experience: Heart - Virtual Reality
Next experience: Pterygopalantine Fossa Hubs VR Room